Admissions Open for Session 2025-26 From Pre-Primary to Class XII (For More Detail Click Admission Link)

Admission Procedure

School follows the “No Denial Policy” for admission to the children of Defence Personnel and admission is provided to each and every child depending upon his/her capacity.


  • Fresh admission can be made in the school up to 31 Jul.
  • Admission to children of serving Army personnel coming on transfer from out station can be made at anytime during the year and they will not be denied admission, subject, however, to the stipulation laid down by the CBSE in Classes IX-XII. Admission of civilian children to Army Public Schools should not be at the cost of service children, the latter will never be refused admission. Strength of civilian children should not exceed 20% of the overall strength in a class after admitting all Army children and also catering for their midsession admissions. However, percentage of civilian children may be increased as elaborated only after ensuring 100% admission of Army children with a few reserved seats for them for mid-session admissions.

    Documents Required for Admission


  • Photocopy of part II order for class first only.
  • Counter signed TC by DEO/BEO/CBSE
  • Report card of previous class
  • Current serving certificate from the unit


  • Counter signed TC by DEO/BEO/CBSE
  • Report card of previous class
  • Photocopy of discharge book


  • Counter signed TC by DEO/BEO/CBSE
  • Report card of previous class
  • Latest pay slips


  • Birth Certificate
  • Report card of previous class
  • Counter signed TC by DEO/BEO/CBSE
    Lateral Admission

    Following category of children will be admitted based on Transfer Certificate (TC) from previous school, without an admission test :

  • Children who are coming on Pass / promoted TC from another Army School / Army Public School .
  • Children who have studied for 10 academic months in another Army School / Army Public School are seeking admission after 31 Jul.
  • An evaluation test may be taken in respect of these children to facilitate another academic coaching and allocation of sections. However such an evaluation test will not be treated as admission test and child entitled lateral admission will be allowed to attend classes within 48 hours of reporting to the school.
    TC from other School
  • The District Education Officer of the District in which the school is located shall endorse TC in respect of candidates coming from schools other than APS/Army Public School/KVs. The endorsement should clearly indicate whether it is recognized school.
    Admission to Class XI
  • The minimum percentages for different streams for admission to class XI are given below. Meeting the eligibility criteria on account of minimum percentages does not, however, guarantee admission. Admission will depend on relative merit and availability of seats. No special weight age will be given for any stream to any student
    Admission without Transfer Certificate
  • Direct admission i.e. admission without a transfer certificate shall be made only up to class VI. If a pupil, who has not previously attended any recognized school, applies for admission to any one of the Classes II to VI, his parent of guardian shall be required to give full history of his previous education and submit an affidavit to the effect that his ward has not attended any recognized school till then. He/she shall also be in the class to which admission is sought, the head of the school shall arrange a special test to determine the suitability of the pupil for admission to the class. Admission shall be granted if the pupil passes in the special test. If the parent or guardian's statement under this clause is found educational career, the head of the school shall cancel the admission and report the matter to the Education authorities of the school shall cancel the admission and report the matter to the Education authorities of the district for circulation of the information to other schools. The name of the pupil will be struck off the roll of the school.
  • A people coming from a recognized school or a Kendriya Vidyalaya or Army Public School, shall not be admitted to a class higher than the one in which he/she was studying at his former school except in the case of those who have successfully passed the annual examination and have been promoted to a higher class.
  • Though the requirement of the Central Board of Secondary Education that the All Indian secondary Examination shall be open to people who have initially attained the age of 15 years on 30th September of the year in which they take the examination has been abolished with effect from the examination of 1983, the age of admission to various classes in Army Public School, however, shall be regulated as indicated below :
    Change in Date of Birth

    Once recorded in the school scholar register, change in the date of birth will not normally be accepted, except where overwhelming documentary evidence exists and where a genuine mistake has been committed.

For Admission to Class Minimum age on 31 Mar of the year in which admission is sought
I 6 Years *
II 6 Years @
III 7 Years
IV 8 Years
V 9 Years
VI 10 Years
VII 11 Years
VIII 12 Years
IX 13 Years
X 14 Years

* As per mandate of NEP 2020 entry age Class I has been revised to 6+ years with effect Academic Session 2023-24.

@ To avoid disturbance to wards already admitted upto Academic year 2022-23.